Monday, July 07, 2008

Awesome Three-Way...

How's that for a title Will?

I just had an awesome catch up with Ross May and Will Tupper. Ross May mopped the floor with me at Mario Kart on the Wii, and has some awesome little things happening at the mo. Check out his blog/livejournal!


Anonymous said...

Quite the title.

Huh, guess I should actually put something worthwhile on my blog...


Will Tupper said...


It was awesome catching up w / both of you.

Although you should be out surfing, and not blogging so much.

You dirty, dirty Australian :).

- Will

PS - Ross, you missed out, bro! After you signed off, Tristan told me some TOP SECRET SECRETS!

Tristan Jones said...

Not during winter my friend. The Melbourne winter is harsh and Antarctic in it's extremities. The beaches are patrolled by polar bears and killer whales prowl the streets.

Anonymous said...

Trist: Shouldn't that technically be Anti-Polar bears? Pretty sweet thought...

Will: Damn! I could have sold those secrets to my government to topple... you guys? I guess.


Tristan Jones said...
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Tristan Jones said...

Fucking wireless keyboards!

There... now...

No, the Anti-Polar Bears are what we use to combat Polar Bears.

Those top secret secrets shall have been upped to super duper top secret secrets, and shall remain so now and at least for another few minutes.