Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Back Home

The Summer work period has come to an end and I'm once again back home in Mont Albert and unemployed. Sveet.

It's good to be back, and I can finally get focused on my comic book projects. Moo Mesa is moving along nicely, TMNT is happening and I should have some more Titan stuff out in a week or so. Working on a Tobin's Spirit Guide for Cereal:Geek which is something I've wanted to do for YEARS, so I'm stoked to be able to do that. Here's a tease...

It's taken me a fucking long time to reach a point where I'm happy with the above character's head. It looks simple, but there was an essence to the character that I never felt I'd captured in any of the other attempts. I'll post the other attempts later, but RGB fans will know where I'm coming from...

Bit braindead at the moment. Been watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer pretty much non-stop for the past couple of days, which has been fun, but clearly hasn't helped.

Anyway, here're some scribbles I did for the Moo Mesa project. Roughs of how I see certain characters in the story...

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