Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Good with the Bad

I'm about to have a very unappealing day involving a two hour trip to a place I don't really like all that much to do something I don't particularly want to do in what I'm hearing is going to be 40 degree (Celsius) heat, but two cool (one ridiculously, the other pretty) things were also brought to my attention this morning.

The first, my final TMNT comic is going to be in stores. If you can't get your hands on it, let me know and I'll see what I can sort out. There's a new review for it up as well, which can be found my clicking right about... here!

WARNING: There are a couple of pretty epic spoilers, so if you want, just skip down to the review bit!

Secondly, and this is the ridiculously cool thing in my mind: REEF, my favorite band of all time, are finally getting back together to play some gigs after breaking up in 2003! Anyone want to donate me some cash so I can see them...? ;)


Daniel Schwarz said...

The first, my final TMNT comic is going to be in stores. If you can't get your hands on it, let me know and I'll see what I can sort out.

Secondly, and this is the ridiculously cool thing in my mind: REEF, my favorite band of all time, are finally getting back together to play some gigs after breaking up in 2003! Anyone want to donate me some cash so I can see them...? ;)

Why not kill two birds with one stone and auction off some signed issues of Tales 64 on ebay to help raise the extra money? ;)

ADZ said...

I'd get one for sure!

Tristan Jones said...

It's one of those situations where I may even be tempted to put my copy of Vol.1 #1 up! lol

Daniel Schwarz said...

If you have the new collected TMNT vol 1, I've seen that going for $200 American (if you can believe that).

But seriously, if your vol 1 #1 is a first print... I might be interested :D