I've also spent the last few days helping my mother and father strip back and repaint their home on the Mornington Peninsula, and in the process had the absolute shit burnt out of my back. Anyway, I'm back home now, I've had a chance to check out some really cool things on the horizon and hopefully by this week I'll also have some awesome news regarding a new project!
In the mean time, here are some glimpses of the cool shit on the up and coming...
The first is a look at a page from an upcoming Turtles comic by Paul Harmon, the second is a sketch by Andres Ponce in preparation for a story we're doing together (funnily enough BASED on Paul Harmon's own work!).

-->> K' Tarzan Boy , lines of communication gonna thicken up a bit better ?!
Looks like all the badness and madness has brought about some beautiful things from Paul and Andres.
But are you uh ..
still wanting this " THING " that's manifesting slowly here ( has been ) in regards to skulled madman ??
No dice .. what a draaaaaaaaaaaaag !!
They will indeed. Internet access has been a bitch the past few weeks, but now that I'm settled back in at home things will be back to norm.
Man, anything you've got regarding skullfaced shamans I'm up for seeing. Can't wait to see Jim's version either!
-->> ..well it's kind of gone um..
" TURTLE OF OZ " ..just a bit..
-->> O and please, i would appreciate quick insight on Ch'rell. Only if you can make the time tho'..
no big deal if " NO " .. >v<
holaaa, q guapa esa tortuga ninja, es flipante
Hey Quini! I'm not too good with Spanish, but I think you just said something about the TMNT being cool! Thanks for posting!
Oh jeez, Tristan...
Can you and Paul just sorta, you know, take over the TMNT?
(Don't tell anyone at Mirage I said that...)
Beautiful work....
Very very very nice!
Hahah! I'd give my teeth to work on a monthly TMNT book, and I know Paul would be keen to as well! Thanks for the support Willow!
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