Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Two Heads Are Better Than Three

I just received these from Andres this morning - pencils for my next Titan story. These images are copyright Mirage and Titan. I'm a sucker for big, lumbering, idiot villains. Triple Threat here was someone I wanted right from the beginning. There's a big spoiler in the last panel, so that can wait.


~ tOkKa said...

-->> TRIPLE THREAT LOOKS SO RAD.. o god .. D4mmit i wish i was in UK right now..

i hate TITAN not allowing me in U.S. to have this mag !! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR@!@!!!$#%$#^%#& %$ >v<

Tristan Jones said...

I've been meeting with the licensing arm of Mirage here in Australia, and it looks as though there might be a reprinting of the original material present in the Titan Books in a mag here called K-Zone, which I'm pretty sure will be easier for you USiders to get your hands on. There was also talk we might try and launch our own title here in Oz! Fingers crossed!