Monday, June 25, 2007

This one is for my younger brother, who celebrated his 20th birthday yesterday (and is presently hammering awaay at his MySpace account and undoubtedly keeping in touch with his friends via msn). I hope you had a good day man (MANG!), and I hope whatever suddenly attacked you from the inside as midnight approached has subsided.

If anyone ever decides to go to Box Hill and wants great food at lunatic pricing, go to the Little Lamb Chinese Buffet. Ev and I were the only two people/ravenous monsters in the whole place for lunch today, and we made damn sure that twenty dollars we eached forked over was well spent. Easily one of the most satisfying feeds I've had in a long time, and if Evan decides to post the photo's of the aftermath, I'll link them. I think it's pretty fair to say that we dominated in there, dude! Let's go crazy Broadway style tomorrow... or not...

I can tell that I'm going to become re-addicted to this blogging shiznit, but until my skills improve, here's some junk for the mind:

I was a big fan of this show as a child growing up in the 80's. Needless to say, I find this hilarious. Parental discretion is advised... the language is colourful and may taint the minds of any young Thundercats fans.

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